Secretmom’s Blog of Life

{January 29, 2009}   One

Hello.  I have another blog but I never write for it. Pathetic, I know. Quite frankly, coming up with timely and interesting topics that are well written is something my brain cannot do right now. Not saying that this blog will be complete crap, but it will just be more of an online journal for me.  This is why I chose the ‘secretmom’ name. I cannot reveal my true identity as that would not be prudent at this time, for reasons you will see later on. So, it is a ‘secret’ thing, and I am definitely a ‘mom’ and there you go! Lest you think I am using anonymity as a cop-out, that is not so. I am a witness to 2 court cases and cannot go public with things at this time.  But my life has been so incredible and so stressful, I thought I should vent. People tell me ‘ you should write a book.’  Yeah, well lot’s of people have stressful, odd lives. Doesn’t mean you need to go become a Ernest Hemingway or something. Still, with the availability of self-publishing these days, I wouldn’t rule it out.

et cetera